Buyer Policy


Hemp Dig, Inc. (“HD”) provides certain services, including through, a web-based platform or online marketplace (our “Website”), and associated networks, servers, software and applications (collectively, our “Services”). Our Services are designed to help facilitate the display, marketing and purchase of hemp products derived from or related to hemp and hemp-related services (collectively, “hemp products”). Our Services enable buyers to purchase hemp (and hemp products), which apply to and govern use of our Services. The use of our Services is defined in the Terms & Conditions and include, in addition to visiting, reviewing or logging onto the Website, registering to become a buyer and purchasing one or more products from a vendor through the Website.

These buyer-related services are referred to herein as “shopping” on the Website. To emphasize, by shopping on the Website, you agree to our Terms & Conditions, including this Buyer Policy. Please read the Terms & Conditions in their entirety, including the Buyer Policy, and ensure that you fully understand your rights, protections, and obligations as a buyer, as well as the best way to enjoy our Services.

Understanding HD’s Limitations as a Venue

HD provides a venue, through its Services, for buyers to identify and learn about hemp products and to enter into transactions directly with Vendors located in The United States, Canada, Mexico, and throughout Europe. By shopping on the Website, you understand that:

1. You will not be purchasing any hemp or hemp products from HD. Rather, any purchase will be directly from a Vendor that is using HD’s Services, just like the buyer. Think of it as shopping at your local mall.

2. HD does not guarantee or endorse any hemp products marketed or sold through HD’s Services, or any content uploaded, posted or otherwise displayed by a Vendor on the Website, such as a COA, images, videos, or descriptions of hemp products in listings or store policies; and

3. Every Vendor using HD’s Services has its own processing schedule, shipping methods, and store policies.

Customers, Vendors, and Registered Buyers

HD has separate categories for purposes of using our Services:

1. Customers

2. Vendors

3. Registered Buyers

A Customer may shop on the HD Website without being charged a fee by HD, including making purchases. To register as a customer, click HERE

A Vendor may set up a store, list as many products as you like, and sell hemp, hemp products, and services on Hemp Dig. The cost associated with being a Vendor is FREE if a Vendor chooses to list only one or two products, $59/Yr. for the "BASIC PLAN" to list up to 6 products at a time and $99/Yr. for the "PREMIUM PLAN", where you can list unlimited products. The fee when you make a sale is $0. To register as a Vendor, click HERE

A Registered Buyer may buy hemp grain, fiber, biomass, flower, crude, distillate, isolate, resin, seeds and clones directly from Vendors. Only people who are 21 or older may register as a Buyer. To register, click HERE

Communicating with HD Vendors

After registering for any of the three buyer categories, you can use HD’s "Contact Vendor” (“CV”) tool to communicate directly with Vendors. CV is a great way to get the information you need before deciding to buy. CV may not be used for the following activities:

1. Sending advertisements, promotions, requests for donations, or any other type of Spam;

2. Hassling, vexing, or otherwise harassing a Vendor; or

3. Initiating further contact with a Vendor after being explicitly asked not to.


Interference occurs when a buyer intentionally interferes with a Vendor’s “store,” as displayed on the Website, in order to redirect shopping traffic away from that Vendor’s business. HD strictly prohibits interference as a condition of using our Services. Examples of interference include:

1. Posting in public areas to demonstrate or discuss a dispute with a Vendor; or

2. Purchasing from a Vendor for the sole purpose of leaving a negative review.

Purchasing Vendors’ Products Through the Use of HD’s Services

By using HD’s Services to purchase products from a Vendor, the buyer is supporting an independent business. Each Vendor displays and markets unique products on the Website, as listed in that Vendor’s “store,” together with its policies, processing times, shipping schedules, and other pertinent information. When purchasing from a Vendor through HD’s Services, you acknowledge that you:

1. Have read that Vendor’s description of its products, store policies, and other pertinent information in advance;

2. Have provided accurate information to the Vendor

HD is available to assist with any problems that occur between a buyer and Vendor, provided that all of the requirements of our Terms & Conditions, including this Buyer Policy, have been met.

Submitting a Review of a Product Purchase

A buyer may submit a review to the Website, including a one to five-star rating, within 30 days of any product purchase through HD’s Services. You may edit your review any number of times during the 30-day period.

Please promise to leave a review of each hemp product purchased – and then follow through by actually submitting the review! The review process is vital to the success of HD and our Services, as well as to each Vendor. Reviews are a valuable means for other buyers to learn more about a Vendor’s products and reputation through the use of HD’s Services. Please use good judgement when leaving a less-than-favorable review. By this, we mean PLEASE provide a Vendor the opportunity to correct or make up for any shortcoming that you may have perceived, prior to marking that Vendor indefinitely with a negative review. We urge that you consider submitting a negative review only as a last resort, as this is a black mark on the Vendor and/or its hemp product(s) and may have a severe negative impact on their ability to transact future business.

Vendors may respond to a review. HD reserves the right to remove reviews that violate our Terms & Conditions.


A Non-Delivery occurs when a buyer places an order and submits payment for one or more products through HD’s pass-through Services, but the buyer does not receive delivery of the item or items, including under any of the following circumstances:

1. The Vendor failed to ship the item;

2. The Vendor shipped the item to an incorrect address, including an address that is not on the HD receipt or was not verified through the Contact Vendor tool, as discussed above, or the shipper address verification; or

3. The Vendor otherwise lacks any proof that the item was shipped to the buyer’s correct address.

Should these or similar circumstances result in a Non-Delivery, please work this out on your own! Hemp Dig cares but your issues are of your own making. Take responsibility, be fair and just, as you see it.


A product received by a buyer is “Not-as-Advertised” (“NAA”) if it differs materially from the Vendor’s description and/or photos of the item as advertised or displayed on the Website, including in the following circumstances:

1. The product(s), as received by the buyer, is a different variety from that which was listed or displayed on the Website; for example, the listing described smokable hemp flower and milled biomass was delivered instead;

2. The condition of the item(s) differs materially from that which was advertised or displayed or reasonably expected to be received by the buyer (e.g., the product has mold); or

3. The weight of the item(s), as received by the buyer, is less than the weight listed by an amount exceeding 1% of the relevant item’s total weight.

In the event you receive a shipment of an item or items that is NAA, please contact the Vendor and work it out together. Keep your Karma clean!

Reporting a Problem with an Order or Returning an Item

HD is not directly involved in any transaction between a buyer and Vendor; HD’s Services are designed only to help facilitate the display, marketing and purchase of cannabis products. However, HD does offer assistance to buyers in the unfortunate event that your transaction with a Vendor does not go as expected. For a fee of $150/hr., the attorney, JC Lowe, can mediate your issues on a contract basis. The fee is his minimum hourly charge for legal review and non-binding mediation. If the problem is complicated, his fees will be more. Please forward the details of the transaction, including thoughts on how we might offer assistance, by email to

Requesting a Cancellation

A buyer may request that a Vendor cancel an order by contacting the Vendor directly. If you are a Registered Buyer and have made a purchasing commitment, you must purchase the product in question. It is unacceptable to make a purchasing commitment and not follow through with the actual purchase.

Returning an Item

Each Vendor has its own return policies, which should be outlined in their Store Policies. Not all Vendors accept returns. If, due to the circumstances of a transaction, you feel compelled to return an item, please contact the Vendor directly and work through your reasons for the return, the necessary procedures and whether a refund will be available, if applicable.